
What to look for in Umrah Packages?

1 Min Read

Here are some important factors to consider when looking for an Umrah package:

Reputation: Look for a travel agency with a good reputation and positive reviews from past customers. You can ask for recommendations from friends and family who have performed Umrah before or do some research online.

Accommodation: Check the quality and location of the hotels or accommodations included in the package. Make sure they are close to the Haram, the mosque where the Kaaba is located.

Transportation: Look for a package that includes transportation from the airport to the hotel and to the Haram. Make sure the transportation is reliable and comfortable.

Visa processing: Check if the travel agency provides assistance with the visa application process. The process can be complicated, so having professional help can save time and hassle.

Itinerary: Review the itinerary included in the package and make sure it includes all the necessary rituals and activities of Umrah. Also, make sure there is enough time for rest and relaxation.

Support and guidance: Look for a travel agency that provides support and guidence during the trip.